Carbohydrate for our body

Carbohydrate consists of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Foods that rich with carbohydrate is consume as energy source, to keep balance between acids and bases in our body, as a fiber in our metabolism, and to construct cell structure that used to band protein and fat. Carbohydrate source as starch are wheat, rice, oatmeal, noodles, wheat flour, macaroni, potato, taro, cowpea, thin noodle rice, bean flour vermicelli, all kind of tubers, and other various grain. Carbohydrate source as sugar is fruits, honey, palm sugar, brown sugar, lump sugar, white sugar, and all kind of sugar. Too much of this carbohydrate before getting meal might make us loose our appetite. And too much of carbohydrate can make us over weight because carbohydrate that don’t use will process become fat tissue. Everyday an adult need 300 – 350 gram carbohydrate depends on their physical activity.

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