Akupunkturis yang pengobat tradisional
Persyaratan sebuah klinik pengobatan tradisional (Bartra). Berdasarkan
Kepmenkes No 1076/Menkes/SK/VII/2003 tanggal 24 Juli 2003 tentang
Pengobatan Tradi...
Food and health
Relation between food and health is tight. Most of us, eat without realize that food will influence our mood, tall or short our body, strong or weak our body to fight illness, have spirit or didn’t have spirit to face our duty, health or didn’t health our hair, nail, teeth, bone, skin, muscle, etc. To maintain our healthiness, it does not only have to eat well, we have to rest and work out with balance too. Eight hours is enough to get rest, and 45 minutes up to two hours is enough for us to exercise. Foods with balance amount and nutrient help us to optimize growth and development our body. Besides that, food is needed as source of energy, to repairs and take care of our organs, and to keep our stamina. What we eat should meet our body needs, such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, and waters in balance.
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