Why we need protein?

Every cell of our body need protein continuously to build a new cell, fixes a broken cell, keep balance between acids and bases, supply substance for making plasma, gland, hormone, enzyme, antibodies, etc.

Protein is multi complex substance that formed by various amino acid. Protein is consist of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and be the only source of nitrogen for human. There is 22 kind of amino acid are needed by our body, and 10 among them is gotten from food. Certain combination of amino acid defines kind of protein and nutrient value from food. Generally, every foodstuff consist more than one kind of protein. Milk, egg, meat, fish, chicken, soybean, peanut, and green leaves are example for foodstuff that consists of complete protein (10 kind of amino acid). Foodstuff that’s not consists of complete protein such as legume, various grains (mill rice, wheat, and corn), fruit, and vegetables. It’s better for us to consuming various foods with minimum process.

If our body lack of protein, we will less of work efficiency, less of concentration, lack of growth for kids, less of stamina, easy to get tired, and anemia. It also influences growth of fetus for pregnant woman. And if our body lack of protein for a long time, it might make us get kwashiorkor. So, everyday an adult need 1 gram protein per 1 kg body weight. For kid, pregnant woman, and some one whose recover from illness need 1.5 – 2 gram protein per 1 kg body weight everyday. Here is some of foodstuff that consists of protein.

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