How much minerals that we need?

Human body needs minerals everyday to support many activities inside the body.
Macro mineral is needed a lot. Like calcium, fosfor, magnesium, potassium, natrium, chlorine, and sulfur. Micro mineral is needed a little. Like cuprum, ferric, zinc, and florid. Ultrace mineral is needed very a little. Like iodine, selenium, mangaan, cromium, boron, and cobalt. Here are some of mineral and its function inside our body.

Calcium. Bone needs 1000 mg calcium to bind oxygen, to bind hemoglobin, to bind protein in blood, to form red blood cell, to form bone and teeth. Calcium is used in muscle vitality, muscle contraction, to facilitating absorption of vitamin B12, to stimulating nerve cells so it can export, bind, and send neurotransmitter to other nerve cells in all over brain. Calcium is also used for other nerve activities that produce sense of sight, hear, and touch.

Chlorine. Chlorine is used to form chloride acids in side to kill germ and activate pepsinate to be pepsin.

Cobalt. Cobalt is used to form blood vessel.

Cuprum. Cuprum is helping to form hemoglobin.

Ferric. Ferric is part of hemoglobin in red blood cell.

Florid. Florid is used to form coating teeth.

Iodine. Iodine helps our intelligence development, mumps, and help thyroid gland to produce tyrosine.

Magnesium. Magnesium that we need is 400 mg. it’s around 140 gram cashews. Magnesium is used for muscle relaxation.

Mangaan. Mangaan is used to arrange growth and reproduction system.

Natrium. Natrium is used as conductor of impulse between nerves. It’s also used for osmosis pressure in cell to keep cell liquid balance with liquid around cell and for muscle relaxation.

Phosphor. Phosphor is used to form bone and teeth.

Potassium (kalium). Potassium that we need is 2000 mg. It’s the same with 5 bananas. It’s used for activity heart’s muscle, as conductor of impulse between nerves, and for muscle relaxation. Potassium helps us to absorb nutrition easier by intestines and turn into blood without needed binding to protein. It’s also easy to throw through kidney.

Sulfuric. Sulfuric helps muscle to forming protein.

Sodium. Sodium is needed in carbohydrate absorption.

Selenium. Selenium is used to neutralize free radical.

Zinc. Zinc is used to form enzyme and hormone, maintenance enzyme, hormone, sense of taste, and immunity system.

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