Akupunkturis yang pengobat tradisional
Persyaratan sebuah klinik pengobatan tradisional (Bartra). Berdasarkan
Kepmenkes No 1076/Menkes/SK/VII/2003 tanggal 24 Juli 2003 tentang
Pengobatan Tradi...
Why water purifier?
Water can absorb and dissolve particles easily. Many of the particles are not visible, such as inorganic minerals, heavy metal, and micro organism. These particles can dissolve by water in the ground. To make it healthy to drink, we need purifier it. Reverse osmosis is a method to make a drink water by reduce the particles that contaminate water. Basically, it’s filtering the water using membrane so we can have pure water. According to FDA, total dissolved solid in mineral water is more than 250 part per million. It’s meant in 1 liter of water containing 250 milligram of solid. And total dissolved solid in purified drinking water is less than 10 part per million. As we know, the pure of water is more important than the minerals in it, because it’s containing inorganic minerals not organic minerals as we need.
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