The quality of drinking water

Water dissolves many particles and it’s invisible. We can’t look the particles with naked eyes. How if all this long we consume water that’s bad for our health? And we don’t know about it. Because we seldom want to know about anything we consume. For some cases we trust others and take anything they said without any recheck. For other cases, we just don’t want to know. As long as “we think” that it still can be consumed by us, we don’t mind to.

Now how do we know what particles inside water? It’s clear and looks fine to drink. Well, we can separate pure water from the particles inside it by electrolysis. We just need aluminum to bind the negative particles and a to bind the positive particles. We tie aluminum by cable and so is a, then connect cable to the electric source. About 5 minutes we’ll find the result.

1. If we find the color of water become green to black and its look like clod, it shows that the water is contaminated by heavy metal, such as zinc, mercury, and cuprum.
If the color of water becomes brown and its look like clod, it shows that the water is contaminated by trioxide ferric.

2. If we find the water become mucus, it shows that the water is contaminated by aluminum, arsenic, organic mineral, bacteria, and virus.

3. If we find the color of water become blue transparent, it shows that the water is contaminated by asbestos, aluminum sulfate, pesticide, and herbicide.

4. If we find the color of water become yellow transparent, it shows that the water is containing ion.

If we continue to consuming water that its sample is not become yellow transparent after electrolysis, we’ll sick soon or later. That water might cause disease to our body and attack some organs, such as kidney, nervous system, or lever. It also might cause unbalance metabolism, cancer, typhus, dysentery, diarrhea, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, etc. So, even it’s just water we have to pay attention.

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