Minerals is needed a bit but it’s important

Human body is just containing 4% of minerals. Minerals are needed on blood, bone, and other tissue formation. Minerals keep the balance of liquid in our body, to help blood coagulating, nerve function, blood vessel function, muscle contraction and relaxation. It has function as co enzyme, facilitator on absorption and transportation of nutrient. It also can bind protein, so that our body can grow, heal, and produce energy. Some minerals can bind hydrogen ion and hydroxides ion, so it can influence acids and bases equilibrium in our body. Basically, mineral is used as catalyst so that there is no change in composition since we consume it until it out from our body, because mineral wasn’t influenced by heat, weather, or acids.
We can get minerals from water, but we can’t count on that to supply our body. The best minerals for our body are the organic one that we can get from vegetables and fruits. Cause only plant can process the minerals from soil through photosynthesis and change it into the organic form. Inorganic minerals can’t used well by our body and it will disturb our healthiness if we consume it too much continuously.

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